Monday, April 27, 2009

how to start strong...

I'm not starting very strong. I have sat down twice now to begin reading some books for my first class at Tozer Theological Seminary. I made a list of all of the things I need to get done before class happens in June and it is slightly daunting. I have to read a lot of books and prepare meaningful discussion points for each chapter. I have to write a few papers about life and ministry. I have to evaluate my life as a Christian.  All of the assignments on the "to do list" are things that I naturally love to do. Things that actually bring me some sense of deep joy. Things that bring my heart to a spot of longing for more of my Savior. This adventure of graduate school is going to be awesome.

So why is it that I'm sitting here intending to read that book about being culturally savvy, but instead I'm writing a, not so good, blog? Why is it that my natural response to school work is procrastination? I think it is because it is all I've ever known. I'm kinda good at it, which is dangerous. The trouble is, I also know that I'm good at getting stuff done so that I can enjoy the learning process. I like the second option better. 

I guess with that being said, I'm going to read. :)

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