Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'll keep my shoes off for a while...

How you label God and how you label yourself will determine a lot of things about your world.

Every time you get a clarified vision of who God is, that is a sacred moment.

Every time you get a clarified vision of who you are, that is a sacred moment.

You're on holy ground.

Take your shoes off.

I had to take my shoes off at church this morning.

I have been hearing the Lord whisper in my ear that my perceived and actual realities were in conflict. I have been feeling nudges by the Holy Spirit, turning my ear from the lies of the Evil One toward the heart of the Saving One.

Today it stopped being a sweet whisper and a gentle nudge. It turned into a shotgun blast of truth. I have been utterly bombarded by God's sweet words of truth and life.

I have been reminded that the whole of me is in the process of becoming more like Jesus. The whole of my life has been a training ground for big work to be done in the Kingdom of God.

As God declared to Moses that he was the one that would lead his people into the promises of God. I have been hearing the voice of God declare to me that I would lead my people into the promises of the Most High. There is work to be done.

He is calling me.

The important label of "called out one" has been suppressed and dismissed because I've been holding so tightly to the lies and schemes Satan has been playing with my heart. I rest secured in the mislabeled false reality that are the lies of the Enemy. I take stalk in the miserably wrong words about my heart and spirit.

The important label of "beloved" has been disregarded as falsehood because I have clung so tightly to the lie that I am not only unloveable, but unworthy of the love that is so freely given to me.

The important label of "beautiful" has been torn from my heart because I have become so calloused to the truth, making lies sound more believable than the truth. Ugly, unworthy and unwanted ring true in my spirit.

I'll pause here... the wrong labels are ugly and big and sticky (if you picture them like real labels from a label making machine) there might be 100 more that I don't even want to think about right now. I've been listening to the lies of the Evil One for far too long...

Important people in my life have labeled me, wrongly during very vulnerable seasons of my journey. Important people have unfortunately been used to advance the schemes of the father of lies.

Instead of these awful lies. Instead of these misperceived fabrications. Instead of what is wrong or broken or messed up, in me...

God. Jahovah. Yahweh. I AM.

Is relabeling me today.

He is making beautiful what is already beautiful in his eyes.

He is making confident what lies have made uncertain and unworthy.

He is making loved what feels unloveable.

He is making strong what is weak.

He is making his beloved what was dirty and shamed.

He is making right what was wrong.

As I type I realize, this journey may be long, it may be hard and full of tears and pain...

but my shoes are off.

I'm on holy ground. I don't want to forget this moment where I'm beginning to find a clarified vision of who God is and consequently who I am in light of that....

I'll keep my shoes off for a while!

1 comment:

  1. Kandice, WHY AREN'T YOU WRITING ANYMORE?! This post was magnificent and I want to know how the Journey has been. Miss you friend.
