Monday, December 8, 2008


I went to the gym after work today. I was supposed to go in the am, but I was just too lazy to wake up after a wonderful weekend of bliss. As I was driving to the gym I began feeling really ambitious so I made a plan to work out for at least an hour and a half instead of an hour today. 

Once I was changed into my stretchy pants, there was no turning back. I mounted the cycle and entered my information and began my 18 mile trek to burning 600+ calories. I had to stretch like a crazy woman when I got off that bike. NUTS. 

My legs still hurt. Even though I stretched real good. I guess an hour of cycling cannot be stretched in 10 minutes.... :) I feel real good. I'm super excited that I reached my goals today. I'm going to wake up early and try again tomorrow morning. That way I can tell the girls at work that I rode a bike 36 miles since they've seen me last. AWESOME!!!

Good day!

1 comment:

  1. Kim and I were REALLY jealous of your early bedtime hour tonight--now I understand the fatigue a bit more :) I'm so dang proud of you Kandice--you're doing such a great job. See you tomorrow, you crazy cycling woman, you :)
