I’ve known for a while that I’ll be turning 24 in a little less than a week, but I just decided that I need a little challenge before I get to the 24 mark on the years of living list. So I’ve made a bucket list. 24 things I need to do before I turn 24. (The things are pretty simple, seeing that I have less than 6 days to complete the list) but here goes nothing…
1. run a mile
2. try a new food
3. watch a movie
4. send someone a note
5. sing karaoke
6. drink a glass of wine
7. say something to every friend on my facebook
8. download new music
9. tell a joke
10. buy myself something special
11. have coffee with a friend
12. sing at the top of my lungs
13. skinny dip
14. call my mom
15. give someone else a gift
16. learn a new song
17. blog (got one!)
18. star gaze
19. get ryan to give me love circles
20. watch the sunrise
21. get a guy to buy me a drink
22. read a children’s book
23. buy a lottery ticket
24. have breakfast with the roomies
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
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